Tallassee and Hayden, AL

Made with habañero peppers and a unique blend of spices, this sauce is hot, sweet and smoky. Perfect for wings, pork, and just about any meat where you want to kick things up a notch! Goes great on a ton of other stuff too, so use your imaginations and your taste buds!

9/7/2020 Click here to read review by
If you're a pizza lover then must try this pizza paratha.
Pizza Paratha is a fusion of traditional paratha with pizza style stuffing. It's stuffed with pizza & hot sauce mix and veggies, topped with cheese. I This dish is really lipsmacking one which calms down your pizza cravings.
I'm very excited to present my first international review. I made this pizza paratha using
@SonofaJohnsauce Light My Fire hot sauce.
Their motto is "Good Friends Make Good Sauces & Good Sauces Make Good Friends"
Light my fire sauce is made with habanero peppers and a unique blend of spices, this sauce is hot, sweet and smoky. It has a hints of garlic and a strong zest of flavors. It's very good in taste.
Thanks for sending this amazing sauce.
This sauce has no chemicals or preservatives.
They've designed these sauces to be HOT, but most importantly, to TASTE GOOD!
Brand: @SonofaJohnsauce
Product: Light My Fire
Quantity: 6 Oz
Where to buy: www.sonofajohn.com
The recipe link is given in the bio: @lazyday_cookery.
#lazydaycookery #pizzaparatha #bloggersmail #homecookedmeals #instagood #foodiesofinstagram #cuisine #foodies #foodblogeats #foodlover #instagrammers #instafoodiesgroup #foodstyling #foodbloggers #blogger #foodblogfeed #foodblogging #foodporn #foodstagram #foodpics #foodphotography #chef #chefstagram #chefofinstagram #cheflife #foodstagram #photooftheday
7/25/2020 Click here to read review by
Today we’re trying out the Light My Fire bottle from our friends over at @sonofajohnsauce based in #Tallassee, Alabama.
The folks that made this bottle take an interesting approach to sauce making. The last bottle we reviewed from them (Ant Bite), utilized Red Delicious apples well to drive a very sweet-forward sauce with a steady after burn.
This bottle is features peaches and mustard amongst other ingredients, which makes for a thicker consistency and overall heavier body. Neither ingredient is too discernible, as this bottle has a very pepper-forward flavor.
A strong firestarter for any food you’re mopping on the grill or smoker. ♨️
🔥FLAVOR: 4.5/5 - Big on traditional pepper flavor, and would be an excellent gateway sauce to get the casual hot sauce person into something a little spicier. “Liquid smoke” is an ingredient that you can taste, and I needed to know what that was yesterday.
🔥HEAT: 3.8/5 - The #habanero is immediately apparent from smell to taste, giving it a strong base level of heat.
🔥AFTER BURN: 4.0/5 - This sauce’s heat starts hot, and then becomes more mild beyond the initial taste.
🔥BOTTLE LABEL: If you’re going to light a fire, start with a little heat from this guy.
7/13/2020 Click here to read review by
Light my Fire
Scale of spice: 6/10
Taste rating: 8/10
Food pairing: Biscuits and Gravy
Where to buy: www.sonofajohn.com
Would I recommend: Highly
Thoughts: The heat is perfect come a little later from behind. The peach and the smoke worked well in this sauce. It really complimented the dish well. Love the peach and spice flavor in this sauce. Don’t let the liquid smoke put you off. It is so perfect in this sauce.

6/17/2020 Click here to read review by
Review #60⠀Name: @sonofajohnsauce Light My Fire
Tara’s Scale of Spicy: 5 out of 10⠀
Tara’s Taste Rating: 5 out of 10⠀
Would I Buy Again: No⠀
Food Pairings: Fried Chicken Sandwich, Pizza, Crispy Wings⠀
Where to Buy: www.sonofajohn.com⠀
Thoughts: So I personally am not a fan of smokey flavors. I just never liked things that had liquid smoke or smokey peppers like chipotle. This is just my personal preference. So being that this sauce contains liquid smoke it was not for me. I loved all the other flavors in here so I REALLY wanted to like this sauce but that liquid smoke could not be ignored. I know people who love smokey flavors absolutely loved this sauce.

5/14/2020 Click here to read review by
8.6/10 Review: @sonofajohnsauce Light My Fire sauce is very tangy with hints of garlic and a strong zest of flavors. Has a sweet after taste with a mild burn. Very delicious and I’m excited to try this on a variety of foods 🔥🌶♥️ #hotchillies #hotsaucelover #hotpeppers #yum #hotsauceaddict #hotsauce #deliciousfood #hotsaucereview #hotpepperseeds #spicyfood #hot #chile #peppers #sauce #photosauce #tasty #reviews
5/3/2020 Click here to read review by
Son of a John Light My Fire:
Very unique flavor profile. The Peaches and DiJon mustard pair up for a very satisfying sweet mustard flavor with a smokey garlic finish. Has the classic yet great habanero mouth burn. Actually very good taste. 8.2 out of 10
#hotchillies #hotsaucelover #hotpeppers #yum #hotsauceaddict #hotsauce #deliciousfood
#hotsaucereview #hotpepperseeds #spicyfood #hot #chile #peppers #sauce #photosauce