Tallassee and Hayden, AL

NOT for lightweights when it comes to hot sauces! This perfect blend of habañero and ghost peppers is rich and smooth with a big bite! The roasted vegetables in this one makes it truly awesome on tacos, wings, and loads of other stuff!

Chef CHUBBY GIVES 10/10!!!
Follow @chefCHUBBY
7/27/2020 Click here to read review by
Today we’re finishing off the series of bottles from our friends over at @sonofajohnsauce based in #Tallassee, Alabama with their Smokin’ Ghost. 👻
This sauce was a real head scratcher for us and made us question our hot sauce gauging abilities for a minute. When you crack the cap, it doesn’t smell terribly hot. Upon sampling it, it didn’t taste very hot.
The distinct delay on this sauce took our review from a “mild” to a “scorcher” 🥵 though as the heat takes a minute to get there, but once there it doesn’t let go. Started like a Corolla and finished like a Ferrari. 🚗
A few dabs of this sauce would take your next Bloody Mary to new heights.
🔥FLAVOR: 4.3/5 - It knows what it is, and has a traditional hot sauce flavor with the usual accu tramontes - #carrots, #onions, #tomatoes. The simplicity of ingredients gives a very smooth sauce that could play well with many different recipes.
🔥HEAT: 4.5/5 - The initial heat sits around the level of a habanero, but after a few short moments you find yourself dealing with the business end of the #ghostpepper.
🔥AFTER BURN: 4.6/5 - Tingling lips, fiery breath, and the pepper sweats provide a hauntingly good finish to the heat.
🔥BOTTLE LABEL: The ghost is on the bottle, which means you’ve been warned.
7/1/2020 Click here to read review by
@sonofajohnsauce Smokin' Ghost
#fuegobox #hotsauce #review #hotsaucereview #coolhotsaucereviews
Ghost peppers and Habanero peppers go into this one along with carrots, red onions and tomatos. This sauce hits on all of the vegetables listed in the ingredients. I immediately taste the tomato and the carrots which give the sauce a nice roasty vegetable taste. The heat is ramped up from those Ghost and Habanero peppers, they come on strong adding a high level of heat but not off the charts. It hits the throat and tongue and stays for a bit after eating it. I can taste the salt here but I'm not at all getting the vinegar, I wish that was a bit more prevalent as it's a flavor that I enjoy more than most.
I tried it straight from the bottle. It has a beautiful dark orange color, definitely due to the carrots and it pours relatively thick. I added it to an egg white omelet and there's a roasty, smokiness that adds a ton of flavor.
Thank you, yet again, @sonofajohnsauce for an awesome sauce that I'll be happy to have in my arsenal.*
Heat 8/10. Flavor 7/10.

6/27/2020 Click here to read review by
Review #70
Name: @sonofajohnsauce Smokin Ghost
Tara’s Scale of Spicy: 8 out 10
Tara’s Taste Rating: 7 out of 10
Would I Buy Again: Yes
Food Pairings: Fried Tilapia, Pulled Pork Quesadillas, Breakfast Hash
Where to Buy: www.SonofaJohn.com
Thoughts: You get the roasted veggie flavor right away but ooof that heat hits ya! Habanero and Ghost Pepper in here. My lips tingle for a while after. I love that burn though and the roasted veggie flavor is a nice balance. This has vinegar in it but I didn’t get too much of it, which I always love! This paired really well with the crispy fish. I loved the different textures. It would also be tasty on pizza or a quesadilla. Addicted to that heat. Love the tingle. Son of John got me again! If you haven’t already get yourself some Son of John! I’m obsessed!
5/12/2020 Click here to read review by @hotsaucehoye
Son of a John Smokin’ Ghost:
Starts out with a slight hint of carrot off the top. With a good salty and garlic flavor. Medium heat from the ghost and habanero peppers. The sting isn’t overwhelming but it does linger for a while. Very pleasant sauce. Good all around. 8 of 10.
#hotchillies #hotsaucelover #hotpeppers #yum #hotsauceaddict #hotsauce #deliciousfood #hotsaucereview #hotpepperseeds #spicyfood #hot #chile #peppers #sauce #photosauce #tasty#ghostpepper
5/2/2020 Click here to read review by @hotpepperbroskii
7.9/10 Review: @sonofajohnsauce Smokin Ghost is Sweet, tangy and Smokey straight up. Has a medium heat that builds overtime slightly. Really enjoyed this one and can’t wait to try it on some foods! Maybe grilled chicken tonight 🔥🌶❤️ #hotchillies #hotsaucelover #hotpeppers #yum #hotsauceaddict #hotsauce #deliciousfood #hotsaucereview #hotpepperseeds #spicyfood #hot #chile #peppers #sauce #photosauce #tasty #reviews #ghostpepper